Monday, 15 July 2013

D.I.Y Lace Socks

Lace socks are a great item to have in your wardrobe, you can wear them with almost anything to add cuteness to the outfit. Below I'll tell you how to make your own:

You Will Need:

-One pair of socks.
-Celotape (or anothet simular sized circular object.)
-Fabric scissors.
-A sewing machine (or fabric glue/a needle and thread.)

The Steps:

-Place your sock across the largest part of your foot (from the heel to the bridge) and measure out a piece of lace the same size. 
-Place the sock on the celotape, so that the opening of the sock is held open by the celotape.
-start to pin the lace around the top of the sock, making sure that the lace is half on the sock and half off the sock.
-Begin to sew the lace onto the sock, keep the sock on the celo
tape so that the opening is stretched out, this way you'll be able to put the socks on and take them off easily.

For a detailed photo guide, take a look at my post HERE

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